Remembering Casey

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In loving memory of Chelsea Nicole Wideman

Valley Park Safety Fair 2024! July 13th

2024 Event Registration Form

2024 Bike Helmet Fitting Registration Form

2023 Safety Fair - Page 1

2023 Safety Fair - Page 2

Safety Fair Sponsors

Contribution Page

Casey's class remembers!!!

2014 Scholarship Recipients!!!

Scholarship Recipients Updated

Past events - Walk to Remember Casey Photos

A huge Thank You to the following people and companies who help make the Safety Fair happen!

Valley Park School District


Valley Park Fire District

St. Louis County Police

Footwear Unlimited

Kiwanis Club


Schrader Funeral Home

Greg Monroe

Young's Restaurant

T.J. Wings

Target - Ballwin

Missouri Dental Association

Polynt Composite USA, Inc.

Kids and Cars


Old Vienna Chips

SSM Missouri Poison Center

Missouri Dept. of Agriculture

Valley Park Community Library

Lambda Beta Lambda

Local Beer Distributor


Fox 2 News


all of the people who volunteer their time to teach the children of our community to be safe!