Remembering Casey

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Photo Album

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In loving memory of Chelsea Nicole Wideman

Valley Park Safety Fair 2024! July 13th

2024 Event Registration Form

2024 Bike Helmet Fitting Registration Form

2023 Safety Fair - Page 1

2023 Safety Fair - Page 2

Safety Fair Sponsors

Contribution Page

Casey's class remembers!!!

2014 Scholarship Recipients!!!

Scholarship Recipients Updated

Past events - Walk to Remember Casey Photos

Photo Album

Here are some of our favorite pictures of Casey

I feel it is important for people to realize that Casey was a real child. She was a happy little six year old that laughed and played like any other. So many times, victims are reduced to just an image that people find difficult to face, but Casey deserves better than that. She deserves to be remembered for her beautiful smile and loving heart.

By sharing some of her precious pictures, I hope that everyone will realize how much happiness she brought to the people in her life. She will always be with us, and will forever have her place in our hearts.

Front Page of Casey's Photo Album

Baby Casey and Big Sister

Casey's First Birthday

1 year

around 18 months

Big Sister helps Casey with her "lipstick".